Friday, October 5, 2012

Barahona District Conference

We left for Barahona, a 2.5-hour drive, after our Saturday midday shift on September 22.
As we stopped for gas, a dad and his son were leaving on a moto.

Across the way, the "watcheeman" was keeping an eye on things.  Note that the cacti will soon be blooming.

We stayed at Playazul a little motel just outside Barahona.  It has changed a lot since we were here from 2005-2008, when trees had just been planted.  On the other side of the pool is the Caribbean Sea.

On the grounds were beautiful hibiscus bushes and a peacock family.  Before we went to bed, we found five of them roosting on our roof!

This kitty became quite friendly when Larry offered her a piece of ham from his scrambled eggs.  I fed her quite a few and became very popular.  :)

The Diaz family just outside the district center.  Son #3 is on the way.  When we were here before, Johan served as district president.  He rode a moto out to the branches to visit the members.  They're rock-solid, faithful people.


Parking lot of the stake center after the conference.  Not many members have cars.  Many come in buses or vans - and on motos, too.  Women often use umbrellas to deflect the sun (see the blue one?).

We have known a number of the Barahona saints since our first days in the country.  They remember us and give us abrazos (hugs).  It was fun going to the campo (country) to visit the dear people there. 

1 comment:

Nana Shanna said...

Thank you for sharing about the district conference, especially the pictures of the saints and where you stayed. The peacocks were beautiful!

It was wonderful speaking with you today!

Love you!